Friday, September 7, 2007

I simply remember my favorite things, & then I don't feel so bad.

From the last time I got to kangaroo. He has gotten stronger since then.

We already are half way to the next one!

Tell me that his arm doesn't have some baby fat on it!

This was the last time he used this swaddle. It is the first time he has actually outgrown something!

This is a foolproof way to calm him down after a long day of sleeping and eating.


Nathali said...

Jordan is doing SOOOO good!! You can be so proud of him!!! Okay, being back on the vent, is a little bump in the road, but he is on room air!! wow!!! I am so impressed with this little guy. By the way, I have seen them perform the laser surgery for ROP in the NICU and it was done in 20 minutes. The baby wasn't even crying or annoyed or anything...

Hang in there!

Traci said...

Wow! He looks positively chubby compared to the last I've seen! Not only in his arms, but look at that cheek poking up!