Thursday, April 22, 2010

Back by Popular Demand!

OK, so I hadn't planned on doing a lot more posting on this blog since Jordan is clearly a toddler now. The idea was that no one wants to hear stories about new words, learning the potty, and how much of a genius I think my kid is (he is pretty friggin smart). However, a bunch of people have been asking lately for exactly that. So here'the deal - I will post on major events and give updates, but it won't be just about the developmental milestones only. He is always going to have to be checked for complications of the prematurity, but right now he is perfectly normal - which is all I ever wanted.

So Jordan can now talk a bit. He had that surgery last year and can now stick out his tounge but still doesn't make the S or L sounds. Not really an issue yet, but we may see a therapist about that later this year. With the new vocab comes those wonderful toddler words like No, Mine, and Stop (he says that mostly to the dogs). He has too many adorable actions to count, but some are just really cute. As I have mentioned so some people over the phone, he loves cougars! When we take him to the playground he just seems to be drawn to older (4 and 5 year old) girls. They think of him as a baby who needs to be coddled and sometimes even carried. They help him up and down stairs and show him how to play. I don't carry him much anymore, and when we play I pretty much follow his lead. He loves that attention from those girls like it was a drug. He also can pee in the potty when we tell him, but if we don't tell him he will wet his pants and not tell anyone. He will try and hold it for a few minutes, but if we don't remember he won't ask. He knows when he does the solids but isn't yet ready to put that where is belongs. Sometimes we use the big boy pants at our peril. Right now I won't post any pics since he'll be reading this in 5-10 years, but the pics do exist so don't push me boy.

Right now we are in that golden age of parenting when Jordan thinks his old man is the smartest person in the world, and I know that I only have 5 years left before he changes his mind so I have really taken advatage of the situation. As mama would say, he's all boy. One of our (not her) favorite games is when I pick him up and throw him. I always make sure he lands on a couch or mattress, but as he gets older I get to throw him farther. My personal best is now over two feet. We also play this game where we bite each others finger. I don't really get the point but it makes him squeal like a pig.

I will post pics of Xmas soon, but even more fun was our trip to Busch Gardens. We took him to the park and got to see some animals. However, that wasn't his best part. We also took him on the cable cars which he loved, but that wasn't his best part either. He loved the trains most of all. He loved them so much that I didn't realize that the two trains were different colors until he mentioned it (Gween Twain! Yewwow Twain!). Of course there were some other nice parts as well...

He had a bit of a delayed reaction because he didn't actually get wet. He liked getting hit by the mist, but wanted nothing to do with the splash. In fact, we thought he didn't want to get wet at all

But if you listen to the first clip, you hear him say roller coaster a couple of times. This was the only roller coaster in the park that he was tall enough to go on alone.

That last clip was taken at about 2:30 in the afternoon. Now take someone with the judgement and maturity of a 2 year old and then add in his two year old son to help make decisions then this is what happens by 4 o'clock.

Now before anyone gets all upset, it was his idea to do that. After we did it he couldn't stop asking to do the boat again for the rest of the day. We had to find something to do to take his mind off of the boat. I must warn you in advance that you must tilt your head to the left to see this.