Wednesday, August 8, 2007

New Links

I have added a few links to other nicu babies to the left side of the page. I’m no lawyer, just someone who has spent a lot of time blogging preemies in the last month. If I have put a link to your blog on here, and you don’t like it, just ask me to remove the link. This isn’t to say that what has happened to these babies will or won’t happen to Jordan. This is just stuff that has happened to other parents in the nicu as they have seen it.


Traci said...

I've been looking at this blog for the past 4 days, and I still don't know how to write what's on my mind. Blind optimism is at odds with the reality of your situation, but I refuse to think negatively about it, let alone verbalize any negativity. All this to say, I don't know what it feels like to be the parents of a preemie, but being the aunt of one is pretty damn bad in itself, if for no other reason than I want to do what I know is beyond my power to do, and I know that anything I do will more than likely make you feel worse. So point is this: I love you, you know it! I'm done trying to find the right words, but damn it I'm here for ya! Kiss and hug lil' JJ Vlad for me...I'm comin!

Traci said...

And can we get some pics???

Big Ali said...

Stop calling him that!

Mom and Dad said...

Of course, publishing a blog is a way of communicating with your loved ones so they acquire more insights into the challenges associated with the beginning of Jordan's life. While it is definitely a catharsis to express your feelings in this manner, knowing you, it is so much more. When you were graduated from high school you made inquiries to ascertain what you would have to do in order to donate a kidney to an unknown person who was in need. When you were graduated from Morehouse you became a Big Brother because you wanted to mentor a child for whom the word father was a dictionary word. Now you are giving the parents of other micro preemies something their doctors have not provided: hope.
We are proud to call you Son.