Friday, August 31, 2007

The Kilo Kid

Last night, Jordan weighed in at 1006 grams. That’s just over 1 kilo! For those of you that aren’t drug dealers, that is 2 pounds 3 ounces! He was 898 grams Sunday night and got to 1006 grams by Thursday night. That is over 10% of his body weight in half a week! The doctors celebrated by raising his feeds up to 7 cc’s every hour. I remember when they started him that he started at .5 cc per hour. I think we are actually starting to bother the nurses. We call 3 times per day just for the nurses to tell us that he’s sleeping, pooping, and desatting. You know you are a father when you ask a person you just met what the baby’s poop looks and smells like.
At least, they have a handle on what has been aggravating the desatting this week. The inside of his nostril is irritated. He can’t clear it out yet, so they suction him a couple of times per day. Everytime they suction him they get a little scab which partially blocks his airway. Well, whenyou have a scab and pick at it, what happens? It comes back, usually bigger. They can’t do nothing and leave the nostril blocked for a week, but if they keep suctioning, his nasal passages will only get damaged more. They are thinking of using a local steroid, which may help. The nurses and doctors will discuss after everyone checks on every other baby in the NICU and has a nice relaxing lunch, followed by a nap. I am writing this Friday morning. I fear that they won’t act until Jordan sits up, walks over to the counter and grabs a box of kleenex – about 5 years from now.
The blog has new rules now based on what the nurses said. On Wednesday, one of the nurses told us to get some clothes! Wearing clothes right now would interfere with the temperature sensors, but they think he should be ready by the end of September. I have long since felt that he has been getting better, but when the nurse tells us to take such a big step, that means a whole lot. Now, we can talk about more than 3 days, we can talk about the next couple of weeks.
In fact, we are going to start setting up the nursery this weekend. We will only be able to work a few hours each weekend, so we won’t be done until October. That is the earliest he comes home, but November is more realistic. His due date was Nov 2nd. If everything goes absolutely perfect, he could be home by Halloween. More likely is that he has a problem with breathing or eating and might be delayed. Just check out what happened with Kaitlyn. She was a very healthy baby that had soooo much trouble eating. I have never seen a mother so happy when her daughter ate a spoonful of yogurt. I was pretty darn happy too.


Traci said...

Ooooweee!!!Does that mean I can buy him stuff?

Big Ali said...

Not yet. We have no idea what his clothing size is now, when exactly they will let him wear it, or what size he will be at the time. He has gained 10% of his body weight this week and 8% the week before. Now try and estimate what size he will be at the end of September.

Traci said...

Now wait a second...we grew up in the same house so I know you know the "grow into it" philosophy: buy clothes two years ahead of schedule and he'll have plenty of time to grow into it. :) Anyway, who said anything about clothes? I'm thinking a bike, maybe a swingset- that kinda thing (okay, jumping the gun a little, but I'm so excited!!!)And just so you know: I've been wanting to be an auntie since I found out that all it took was for you or Rochelle to have a baby. Of course I was in the third grade, and you were in 5th, so I'll forgive you for taking so long, but now that my first nephew is here??? Start your engines, boys and girls...