Xmas pictures are coming soon, but I figured that my sister Traci might want to say something since she leaves comments
about every 10 days anyhow...
So, the Auntie's perspective....
If you you've been reading the comments, you know I've been following Jordan's progress (almost religiously) through the blog. Well, let me just say that the pictures, the videos, the blog posts, the phone calls...none of it compares to seeing him in person! The last time I saw Jordan was right before he crossed the two pound mark...and while I look at him now and still think "oh, he's so little!", I remember where he's come from and am amazed at his progress. Add to that, seeing how well Big Ali and Mama Ali have eased into the roles of Daddy and Mommy makes me...proud - for lack of a better word. I guess that I'm trying to say that seeing the positive growth in my brother's family is something so amazing, and wonderful to see!
But back to Jordan...I got to hold him! Actually, I've gotten to do a lot of things that I've never done before, including changing my first "boo boo" diaper (Big Ali set me up on that one- he could have warned me :). I wanted to be around when they changed his cannula, but I missed that. Funny story, though: Jordan is slick! If you hold him a certain way, he knows that he can turn his head a certain way, rub his face against you and slip his cannula out of his nose. The first time I held him, I didn't know that. Well, as someone who hasn't had many children around her, and no experience with a baby so young, Jordan turned his head, slipped his cannula out and I freaked! We got it back in with no problem, but my cousin claims I almost killed her, she was laughing so hard. I guess it makes sense that he'd be able to make it for a few seconds without the cannula, but I had to be on point for this visit (Mama Ali and I have a history involving me as driver of her car and a mailbox) or I'd never get to babysit :)
Baby J is sitting behind me as I type, and I'm getting the itch again- I've got to get my last little bit of love in before I hit the road so in closing, Happy Christmas, Merry
Hannukah, Happy Kwanzaa anything else I missed, and a Happy New Year...and God Bless us Everyone!